Tuesday 19 April 2016

#How to send message on facebook if message option is not given in anyone's profile:-

                           #How to send message on facebook if message option is not given
                                                       in  anyone's profile:-

* Some people increase privacy of their account so much that anyone can not send them messages.But you can send
message if the message option is not give the following are the steps you have to follow to send message
to the respected person you want:-

* Go to that particular persons profile and if the message button is not given then don't worry go to
the timeline of that person.

*Select any photo he/she shared on their wall and click on that particular photo and select the
report option given on that photo.

* Now you have to give reason to facebook why you are reporting about this photo.
you will see message like this:-

Help us understand the problem
persons's photo.
By "person"

 Why don't you want to see this photo?

1. It's annoying or not interesting

2. I'm in this photo and I don't like it

3. I think it shouldn't be on Facebook

4. It's spam       

just select any one reason from the following.go for " It's annoying or not interesting"

*now another window will open that will have following options:-

Help us understand the problem

person's photo.
By person

1. Why was this annoying?

2. It's trying to sell me something.

3. It's trying to get me to like or share something.

4. It's silly and trying too hard to amuse.

5. I don't care about posts from person.
Too many posts from person in my feed.

6. Something else

Back  Continue

*go for opotion "6. Something else" and comntinue.

*Now you will get options to unfololow person and can message to that particular person.
the option will be in following way:-

Unfollow person
You won't see posts from person.

Message person
Give Prateek feedback about this post.

*Now you just have to select message option and now you are able to send message to those person you
want to if message option is not given.

if you like our Article on this fb trick or facebook trick to send message on facebook if message option is not given in anyone's profile at http://www.technomars.tk or htttp://shine121.blogspot.com


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